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Keyword Research Optimization

Over the last couple of years, search engines have become…

Behnaz Talebizadeh

Canonical Tags in SEO and Enhanced Website Visibility

Cannonical Tags in SEO - Orange, CA

In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), canonical…

Effective Link Building for Better Ranks and More Leads in 2024

Link building has always been a big part of SEO…

Behnaz Talebizadeh

Schema Markup in SEO: Enhancing Rich Snippets


In today’s fiercely competitive digital landscape, standing out in search…


Now that everything is done and the fog is lifting…

Social Media for SEO

In the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing, Search Engine Optimization…

Officially started in 2018 as E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness)…

Behnaz Talebizadeh

Visual Content And SEO: Tips And Tricks For Leveraging AI

Visual Content and SEO

Visual content, which encompasses pictures, images, memes, GIFs, and videos,…

Local SEO Marketing: 5 Factors to Drive More Leads in 2024

As a local business owner, in this age of googling…

AI Content Strategy Pros and Cons

With ChatGPT quickly surpassing 100 million users in just a…

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