Case Study: Alicia Dearn: Pay-Per-Performance Lead Generation
Updated on March 7, 2018
Bellatrix Law
Owner: Alicia Dearn
Number of keywords: 642
Project Start
Date: Nov. 1, 2017
Organic Traffic Increase: 28%
Supporting Documents:
13th Ranking Report
February 28th
Ranking Report
Aicia Dearn is a great business lawyer who has offices in Riverside, CA, San Diego, CA and St. Louis, MO. As a smart lawyer, she taught herself SEO and tried it her own with some success. She was able to get a 4.63% visibility on Google for her 642 keywords. She had developed a ton of content related to her practice, which, along with the SEO work she had done, had helped her get some targeted traffic to her site.
Alicia realized her abilities in SEO were limited and needed more professional help. When we contacted her about our pay-per-performance (PPP) SEO, Alicia liked the idea and decided to sign up.
Within three months, we were able to improve her site’s visibility by 376% (from 4.63% to 22.04% on February 28th). Alicia now has 119 of her keywords on the first page compared to only 23 when she started our program, a 417% improvement. Alicia has 39 of her keywords ranking #1 compared to only 4 when she started. A whooping 875% improvement.
She is now coming up #1 on Google for very important keywords such as: partnership disputes St. Louis.
As a result of our SEO work, Alicia’s site ( received 1,497 unique visitors from organic search in February 2017 – up by 28.06% from the same time-frame last year.
If you want to see similar results for your business, fill out the “Get Started” form on our site. We will analyze your site/market and then let you know if your site qualifies for our pay-per-performance Google SEO program. Get in touch now!